About 1522


1522 was launched in 2006 by the Department for Equal Opportunities with the aim of developing a broad system of action for the emergence and contrast of the phenomenon of intra and extra-family violence to the detriment of women. In 2009, with the entry into force of the L. 38/2009 amended in 2013 on persecutory acts, it also started support action for stalking victims.

The public utility number 1522 is active 24 hours a day, every day of the year, and is accessible from the entire national territory for free, both from landline and mobile. Our operators answer in Italian, English, French, Spanish, Arabic, Farsi, Albanian, Russian, Ukrainian, Portuguese, and Polish. Dedicated telephone service operators provide a first response to the needs of victims of gender-based violence and stalking by providing useful information and guidance to public and private social-health services present on national territory and included in the official mapping of the Presidency of the Council- Department for Equal Opportunities. 1522, through the help of the victims, supports the emergence of the demand for aid, with absolute assurance of anonymity. Cases of violence that are of an emergency character are welcomed with a specific technical-operational procedure shared with the Police/Carabinieri.

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